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FBT Hot Spots
With the new FBT year looming on 1 April, businesses are being urged to review their Fringe Benefits Tax position. For the FBT Hot Spots for 2020, read on!
DGL COVID-19 UPDATE: The government & ATO have announced a range of measures to support the economy, business and employment due to the coronavirus crisis.
7 ways to enjoy the next 7 days
For seven quick and easy tips for a better week, keep reading! We have sourced 7 ways to enjoy the next 7 days (just for you).
6 strategies to handle coworker conflict
A poor working relationship can be detrimental. Here are 6 strategies to handle coworker conflict and rise above potential personality clashes.
ATO targets ‘lifestyle’ assets
ATO targets ‘lifestyle’ assets such as yachts, thoroughbred horses, and fine arts, so keep reading if you or someone you know may be on their radar!